Friday, February 5, 2010

Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine-Junkfood

Dh lama aku nampak org pakai baju ni tapi at last aku tau jugak dari mana asal dan kenapa baju ni femes."Little Miss Sunshine" adalah sebuah filem sweet mengenai kisah perjalanan seorang budak kecik dan keluarganya travel berbatu2 jauh untuk menyertai pertandingan ratu cantik.(klik untuk lebih lanjut mengenai filem ini).

Baju filem ni glamour sebab sering dipakai artis Britney Spears dan seringkali gambar Britney diambil semasa memakai baju ni, dia x pakai panties.

Baju yg original dan yang dipakai Britney adalah keluaran Junkfood.Aku pun ada selai baju ni tapi dh bagi membe sebab saiz pompuan.
Petikan dari website ; "Britney Spears loves our Junk Food Tees as well. This t-shirt has become quite famous ever since she wore it. The shirt is very cool and really cute however it became very popular due to her not wearing panties with this outfit. We were forced to cut the bottom of this picture out because kids shop here too. Sorry Guys!"


1 comment:

konk said...

laki-laki pon ada baju ni..haha..nice...kinky kot